LIMA Beings: The ABC's of Everything

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We’re really good at applying LIMA and Humane Hierarchy strategies to our dogs, but many of us fall short of consistently applying those skills to humans, including ourselves. Join Kathy Sdao, Marissa Martino, Barrie Finger, Lynn Ungar, and Dr. Chris Pachel as we explore how we can apply these strategies to other parts of life, even during difficult times. We know the power of antecedents and consequences to shape behavior in ways that are both effective and compassionate. How can we use that knowledge to be more skillful in our personal lives, relationships, and the world as a whole, even during crisis? We aim to find out!

This learning opportunity is offered over a 6 week period, August 5th - September 9th. If you are interested in receiving more information, please submit your email address and we’ll let you know when the registration page goes live!

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